Some Requirements

"Uh oh," you're thinking. "More requirements? Can't this guy lay off?!?" No, of course not. ;-p Astral Projection takes a lot of effort and concentration. If you haven't read my previous speech on Magick in general, then I'd read it here. That contains the general gist of things. I'd like to reiterate anyways, since seeing things repeated always helps.

How much dedication is needed for Magick? A lot. How much is needed for Astral Projection? About the same amount, but just a little bit more sometimes, I think. Astral Projection is something that really pisses people off, especially younger people, because they don't have the patience. Even when I was learning, I used to try breaking things to relieve the aggression. It's one of those things where you'll succeed really early on, but it'll take you months to get even close to where you were.

Typically, you'll enter into the techniques of Astral Projection with a purely open mind. You're not really expecting all that much, just what I've told you, or what you've read elsewhere. You'll experience some of the effects, like the vibrations, or sleep paralysis, and you'll freak. We all do. It's no big deal, but from that moment on, your mind has created a rock-solid wall against what you're trying to do. Irrational fear will eat at you whenever you get even close to where you were. It takes months to undo the damage. Fear is one of the primary things to be conquered, and doubt as well. Aleister Crowley wrote in his Book of Lies that "Doubt is a perfect mistress, but a nagging wife." That is all too true. You must believe that you can do what you're attempting. Have the thought in the back of your mind that you will make it!!!! Or won't.

Prepare, my friend, for your first steps into a realm that has driven many to their knees in awe and frustration, the world of creativity and imagination, the world of your dreams...