Some Requirements


    What?  There are some requirements for practicing Magick?  The answer  Everyone can practice Magick.  It doesn't matter what color you are, what language you speak, whether you are a full-blooded Englishman, German, or otherwise.  None of this matters!

    Now, actually, there are a few things that could help along the way.  One of the most important things for a Magickian is the ability to think for his/herself.  Most people go along, day by day, letting others run and control their lives, or accept things as the way they are, without bothering to consider that they could be different.  If you are reading this page, and want to practice Magick in some form or another, you probably have already took a good look around and seen things for what they are.  If not, then why not do so?  From the moment you wake up to the moment you fall asleep, question everything.  Doubt everything.  When someone says something, consider why they might be saying it.  If you agree with something someone says, or something you see on an ad, why do you agree?  Can you even come up with any good reasons?  The Magickian must be able to think for himself!  There's way too much stuff out there that will lie to you, including within the occult world.  And for a teenager, who normally hasn't gained all that much experience in the world, this can be somewhat harder.

    Another helpful thing to have is an unbending Will, a desire to learn, an ability to stick with whatever you choose to do.  Magick is not an easy thing.  Far from it!  It could be the hardest, most hateful thing you could experience.  A friend of mine once said that sticking with Magick is like quitting smoking cold turkey, and starting over each and every day.  There are some days when you're going to wake up and think "F#@$ this!".  You must have the willpower to continue on working at it, even though you might not feel like it.  This is especially hard with teenagers, as we are still learning the basics of life, and haven't quite figured out who the hell we're supposed to be.  If you're a teenager, as I am, then you probably have the same attention span all teenagers have, a very, very short one.  Magick is hard, but not impossible.