Basic Talismans


Everybody's heard of talismans. It's that lucky rabbit's foot your friend carries in his pocket, or the lucky coin your girlfriend keeps in her purse. But these things hardly, if ever, do what they're supposed to do. How can we create a talisman that works?

First of all, let's get a working definition of a talisman, so we all know what we're talking about. For the purposes of this website, a talisman is an object that is consecrated and charged with energy to bring about a desired manifestation. I don't really buy into the idea that a talisman is adding something and an amulet is getting rid of something, or an amulet is naturally-made, and a talisman is constructed, or any of the other definitions you may have heard. I use the two words interchangeably.

Any object can be a talisman, although it is usually something that relates to your desire. For example, you might use a piece of rose quartz (pink) for a love talisman, or use a piece of Amethyst for intelligence (Amethyst, besides curing drunkeness, is supposed to be good for the mind). Failing that, a simple device made of paper will suffice.

The energy is charged during a ritual. The Magickal Catharsis is directed at the talisman, usually after having invoked the appropriate deity and archangels, angels, etc. An example of such a ritual is given in the Talisman section on the Main Magick Page. This page is only for general theory.

So what makes a talisman do its thing? From what I understand and remember as I'm typing this (I might be a slightly wrong, or out of date), it forms an object that is constantly reinforced on the Astral Plane. Therefore, it is constantly working to achieve its/your goal. Usually it does so fairly quickly. I've found talismans for aiding intelligence and memory recall of invaluable aid during tests (math in particular). :-)