Magickal Catharsis (kuh-THAR-sis) noun. - Term used to describe the release of energy, especially in ritual.
Magick Circle noun. - The circle shape surrounding the Magickian's area of working. It protects and consecrates the area to the ritual being done. It is usually the first step in a ritual. It can be cast by a Circle Casting, or by a method like the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram. It is highly symbolic. The circle shape can represent the completeness of the Magickian's Will, and the Universe itself.
Mantra (MAN-truh) noun. - A phrase that is repeated over and over again. Specifically, it refers to a phrase used in meditation. Example: "Aum mani padme hum."
Michael (MICK-eye-ell) noun. - The Archangel associated with the cardinal direction South, and the Element of Fire. One of the four Archangels invoked during the LBRP.