The LBRP is the key to starting out in High Magick. You should practice this ritual at least once every day. This will hone your abilities to concentrate and your Magickal energy-handling skills. The ritual goes as follows:

The Qaballistic Cross

1. Face east in an area that you can walk around in a circle. Stand at a place not quite in the center, but shifted towards the east. Take a steel dagger, or your right index finger and touch your forehead, visualizing a bright sphere of white light too bright to look at right above your head. Vibrate ATEH (Ah-teh).
2. Touch your breast, visualizing the white sphere above your head sending down a straight beam of white light to a point right at your feet. Vibrate MALKUTH (Mal-koot).
3. Touch your right shoulder and visualize a line of bright white light coming from the center of your chest where the line going from your head to your feet intersect. Imagine this line going straight out to your right shoulder. Vibrate VE-GEBURAH (Veh-geb-oo-ra).
4. Touch your left shoulder, visualizing a line of bright white light going from your center chest area to your left shoulder. This completes a straight line from shoulder to shoulder. Vibrate VE-GEDULAH (veh-ged-you-la).
5. Cross your arms on your chest, right arm over left and vibrate LE-OLAHM (le-oh-lahm) AMEN (ah-men).

The Formulation Of The Pentagrams

1. Make an invoking pentagram (shown next to the sub-title above), with your right index finger (or dagger) in the air at the east, visualizing an electric blue light, like blue flame making the pentagram. Put your finger (or dagger) in the center of it, and vibrate YOD HEH VAHV HEH.
2. Holding your finger (or dagger) in front of you, draw a bright white line from the pentagram you just drew and walk clockwise until you get to the south. Draw another blue pentagram and putting your fingers through the center, vibrate: ADONAI (Ah-doh-neye).
3. Do the same for the west, carrying the white line and drawing the pentagram but vibrate: EHEIEH. (Eh-heh-yeh).
4. Do the same for the north, but vibrate: AGLA. (Ah-glah).
5. Carrying the line to the east and close the circle by putting your finger (or dagger) in the center of the pentagram.

The Evocation Of The Archangels

1. Return to the center, still facing east.
2. Stand with arms outstretched in the form of a cross.
3. Vibrate: BEFORE ME RAPHAEL, visualizing the archangel Raphael as being before you. Feel a cool breeze from the east.
4. Vibrate: BEHIND ME GABRIEL, visualizing the archangel Gabriel as being behind you. Hear the sloshing of cool water, and feel the coolness against your skin.
5. Vibrate: AT MY RIGHT HAND MICHAEL, visualizing the archangle Michael at the south, and feel the warmth of the fires of the south against your skin.
6. Vibrate: AT MY LEFT HAND AURIEL, visualizing the cool moisture of damp earth against your skin, and imagine fertile fields in that direction.
7. Vibrate: AROUND ME FLAMES THE PENTAGRAMS, ABOVE ME SHINES THE SIX-RAYED STAR. (When you say Above Me... imagine a large six-sided star, known as the Jewish Star, as a red triangle and a blue triangle interlaced, which is colored which doesn’t matter.).
8. Now do the Qaballistic Cross again.

    In this ritual, you come across instructions to vibrate certain Divine Names. To vibrate, you inhale, imagining the name and completely shrouding yourself with it (I think I remember it being written,"Imagine the letters in your heart"). Take a full deep breath and elongate the name as your pronounce it with all your breath. Like AGLA should be: Ahhhhhhhhhhhh-Glaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Adonai should be: Ahhhhhhhhhdoooooooonyeeeeeeeee. As you vibrate, you should see everything around you vibrate. Imagine your voice penetrating to the edges of the universe. At the end of the vibration, you should feel drained, as if that sapped your energy. I sometimes swayed after I just started to do this.

    There are two vibratory formula, as they are called. The Exterior, which I have just given you, and the Interior. I have always had better luck with the Interior method. You do the same thing as in the above method, but instead of saying it outloud, say the Name softly or silently. You should feel yourself vibrate in response to the Name, not everything else (although, you can argue that you are the universe, which is equally true).

    What this does is the same thing the Magick Circle did in Low Magick. It banishes the beings around you and sets up a protective barrier around you, with the Pentagrams as a shield, the Archangels as guardians, and the hexagram as its source! This is done before every ritual you'll do, so memorize it and know how to do it. You shouldn't ever get comfortable when doing this ritual. Your mind will take shortcuts and you won't get the full benefit of it. Like driving a car, everytime you do it should be like the first time you do it.