The difference between Low Magick and High Magick is plain, once you've seen rituals performed.  Ceremonial magick has a more dramatic feel to it, like you are doing a play.  It uses Godforms extensively.  If you like acting, then this is the style for you.
    Of course, since it is more complex than Low Magick, the rituals take longer.  A full ritual can often take a minimum of 2 hours!  This is because the symbolism is much more complex.  Ceremonial Magick often draws heavily on the Qaballah, and has more Jewish influences.  For example, if you intend to study Ceremonial Magick, you must learn at least the Hebrew alphabet.  It isn't necessary (although it is very helpful) to learn Hebrew, you have to be able to recognize the letters.  The difference between a Resh and a Daleth could make the difference between success and failure.
    This is also good for those who like researching and reading.  Often enough, each ritual is heavily researched, and backed with lots of symbolism.  I've found that the usual path for teenagers wanting to learn Magick is going to Witchcraft for a while.  From there, a few stay there, but most of them move on towards Ceremonial Magick or something about as complex.  Of course, being teenagers, they don't want to spend the time and effort in learning the symbolism and doing the meditations, so they quit after a while.  With your dedication I cannot help you, but I can help to simplify some of the teachings, so as to make your life less strenuous (school and Magick are enough to occupy anyone's time).

A Basic Ritual Outline
The Lesser Banishing Ritual Of The Pentagram