Witchcraft, sometimes today called Wicca, is a reconstruction of the Pagan ceremonies and rites of the Old Religion, which was in practice in Europe before Christianity came into power.  When one thinks of a Witch, the usual image of an old hag with a broomstick comes into mind.  This is far, far from the truth.  Witches are normal people.  Other people are the ones who view them as different.
    Groups of Witches, called a coven, practce a form of Magick that is commonly called Low Magick.  Low Magick is less complicated than High Magick, which is more oriented towards a dramatic, sophisticated flair.  Neither of these two methods are better than the other, just different.  During an esbat (a monthly meeting of a coven), you are likely to see chanting, dancing, singing, music, and other activities.  To a teenager's point of view, Low Magick is often seen as more fun.  It depends on what you like to do, I guess, because I like High Magick better.  ;-)
    Since it is a religion, there must be deities that are prayed to.  Witchcraft is a highly customizable religion.  They believe in a male God, and a female Goddess (the Lord and Lady).  The Goddess is further identified with three phases, Maiden, Mother, Crone.  These summarize the three main phases of a woman's life (pre-puberty, post-puberty and child birth, post-menopause).  The God and Goddess can be visualized in this way, the generic view, or you could associate them with deities from a pantheon.  You might envision the God as Pan of the Forest, and the Goddess as Aphrodite.  Whatever works for you is applicable.

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A Wiccan Creation Story
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