You've studied the Lesser Banishing Ritual Of The Pentagram, now here's another ritual for you to learn, memorize, and keep close to your heart.
Just as the LBRP served its purpose by banishing unwanted influences and consecrating the area, dedicating it to your Working, the BRH also purifies the area. But this ritual is special, for it involves the calling down of Divine Power, through a section called the Analysis Of The Keyword.
The ritual itself isn't all that difficult to memorize, but the theory behind it is necessary before you can do even an adequate job at it. Anyone can get the effect of the LBRP, but the BRH is slightly different. Remember in the LBRP where you did the Qaballistic Cross, and you ended up with a shining white cross overlaying your body, with the really, really bright sphere of Kether at the top of your head? This is much the same thing, only much more powerful, and therefore, effective.
The Word that is analyzed at the beginning is INRI, or in Hebrew: Yod Nun Resh Yod. The letters represent the four Elements: Water, Fire, Air, Earth. The letters also have astrological meanings. Yod is Virgo, which represents the purity of nature. Nun is Scorpio, which represents energy, death, and transfiguration. Resh is Sol, which represents the light which is the source of life to everyone one the planet.
Notice a pattern? We go from pure nature to change and death, to the source of life, and back to pure nature. In mythology, this could be equally reprsented by a Saviour God. What is a Saviour God? A Saviour God is a Deity that dies and is resurrected to a newly virgin state. Dionysus was a Saviour God, as was Jesus, Krisha, Lugh, and the Egyptian God Osiris, who is used in the ceremony.
Since the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn used the Egyptian pantheon, we must understand what the Gods symbolize. For Yod, we have the Goddess Isis, who represents virgin nature. For Nun, we have Apophis (also known as Set or Typhon). Apophis is Death and Destruction. Osiris represents Sol, and was slain by Apophis, to rise again.
Notice that the first letters of Isis, Apophis, and Osiris form the Notariqon (a system of Gematria, where letters are given numeric values and rearranged) of IAO. IAO (pronounced eeeeeeeee-ahhhhhhhhhhh-ohhhhhhhhhhhh) is the name of the God of the Gnostics. It is another Divine Name used in the ritual.
Saviour Gods are always associated with the Sun, since Sol is the giver of life, and therefore rebirth. The word for Light in Latin is LVX (pronounced "Lukes"). You can spell out LVX in three ways for this ritual:
L - Left arm stretched out at a 90 degree angle, palm flat and facing forward. The right arm is held straight up, the flat palm facing inwards.
V - Both arms stretched over head, arms forming a 60 degree angle to form the letter "V". The palms should be facing each other.
X - Arms crossed on chest, right arm over left arm, palms facing chest.
Now we get to the ritual itself. Practice this every day along with the LBRP. When combined, the LBRP first, the two prepare the area of working quite well indeed. When you master the LBRP and the BRH, the Opening By Watchtower combines both these two rituals, and adds even more. But for now, let's get back to this ritual:
Part One - The Analysis Of The Keyword
1. Stand facing East. Your arms should be spread out to either side, so that your body forms a cross.
2. Say with meaning: "I. N. R. I." With your Magick wand, or using the index finger on your dominant hand, draw the Hebrew characters from right to left as you say the names of the letters. "Yod Nun Resh Yod. The sign of Osiris slain." Visualize the letters in a brilliant, electric blue, like the pentagrams from the LBRP.
3. Now, raise your right arm straight up, palm facing left, and hold your left arm straight out, palm up. You're forming the letter "L". Say: "The sign of the mourning of Isis."
4. Raise your arms above your head to form the letter "V". Your palms should face inwards. Say with meaning: "The sign of Typhon and Apophis."
5. Bring both arms down to form a cross over your chest, right arm over left, palms touching your chest. Say with meaning: "The sign of Osiris risen."
6. Now, say with meaning: "L.V.X. Lux ("lukes")". You should form each letter as you say the letter. The letters are described above in steps 3,4, and 5.
7. Hold your arms straight out to your sides to form the cross again. Say:
"The Light Of The Cross.
Virgo, Isis, Mighty Mother, (Form "L" while saying)
Scorpio, Apophis, Destroyer (Form "V" while saying)
Sol, Osiris, Slain and Risen (Form "X")
Isis (Form "L")
Apophis (Form "V")
Osiris (Form "X")"
8. Form the letter "X", and slowly raise your arms to form the "V" while you vibrate: "IAO" (eeeeeahhhhohhhh).
9. Visualize a shining white light above your head. Feel the masive amount of energy as you say with meaning: "Let the Divine Light descend!" Visualize the light surging through you as you lower your arms slowly until they are at your sides again and you form a cross. Take a moment to feel the Divine Light surging through you.
Part Two - The Formulation Of The Hexagrams
10. Face East, and draw the Fire Hexagram (detailed at the bottom of this page with the rest of the Hexagrams). Visualize the sigil in bright, golden flame.
11. Inhale, drawing in the energy of the Divine Light that flows through you, and make the Sign of the Enterer, like you did in the LBRP, your fingers in the middle of the two triangles of the Hexagram, as you vibrate: ARARITA (ah-rahr-it-ah).
12. Hold your right arm straight out, and draw a shining, white line from the Hexagram you just drew, and carry it to the South. Draw the Earth Hexagram, and vibrate ARARITA in the same manner as you did before.
13. Draw the white line to the West, forming the Air Hexagram. Vibrate ARARITA as you did before.
14. Draw the white line to the North, and form the Water Hexagram. Vibrate ARARITA as you did before. Carry the white line back to the East, connecting the circle. NOTE: If you performed the LBRP before doing this ritual, the golden Hexagrams should be resting on top of the blue flaming Pentagrams.
15. Repeat Part One, the Analysis of the Keyword.
Since you will need to know what the Hexagrams look like, here is a picture detailing them. Notice the arrows showing which way you draw them, and in what order. THIS IS IMPORTANT!
{Seriously, I will get this picture on here. Sorry for the delay, if you're waiting for this ritual.}