The Qaballah is a system of Magick that is said to be passed from generation to generation. This is the system I use, so I am definitely biased towards it. Everything you could possibly dream of is included in the Qaballah. It is a catalog of Magickal correspondences, and a system of philosophy. It explains the creation of the world in terms that are more scientific than most religions, although the Qaballah itself is not really a religion.
There is a heavy Jewish influence upon this system, which you can see from all the Divine Names and words being written in Hebrew. This doesn't mean that you must be Jewish. Of course, being able to read and understand the Hebrew characters is a great help (being fluent in Modern Hebrew doesn't help, as Ancient Hebrew is what is used).
To start out, I'll show you a diagram, one that is perhaps the most important in Qaballah. It is the depiction of the Tree of Life:
{I'll draw the picture, I promise ;-p }
The three curved lines at the top, above the first sphere (called a sephira), are the Three Veils of Negative Existence. They are called Ain, Ain Soph, and Ain Soph Aur.