
Here are some Magick-related links that you might like to check out. I've divided them into sections for your convenience, and in most cases, have placed a description of the site. Happy surfing!

Search Engines

Avatarsearch - The Search Engine Of The Occult. I use it all the time.

Hermetic Resources

The Hermetic Library - Has a large collection of resources. The main reason I use it is for the Libers (Libri, actually) that were written by Aleister Crowley.

The Qaballah Homepage of Bnei-Baruch - An interesting site on the Qaballah. Has an in depth look at the creation of the world.

Mimers Brunn - The Equinox Vol. I No I - Contents - The Equinox Of the Gods, the collection of documents that published much of the secrets of many societies. A must-read.

Mimers Brunn - Libers - Another source for the Libri of Alesiter Crowley.

The Trees of Life and Death - A page on the Qlippoth (or Kellipoht), the Kingdom of Shells, which is the inverse of the Tree of Life.

Thelemic Resources - As the title says, resources for Thelemites (followers of Aleister Crowley's teachings).

Mitch's Golden Dawn and Hermetic Resources - This is an excellent site with diverse resources, from the LBRP to the Golden Dawn Historic Lecture.

Your One Stop Libri Shop - Has some of the Libri written by Crowley.


TEEN RESOURCE PAGE - A page with some resources for Teens persuing the religion of Witchcraft/Wicca.


Facade Internet Divination - A site that has online Tarot cards, Biorhythms, I Ching, runes, and even Bibliomancy. While this isn't an excuse for not doing the work yourself, I include it here.

Low Magick (I don't remember the name of the page) - This site is a great site (like mine once it gets going), and lists lots and lots of resources for Low Magick mostly. This is the Spellcraft page. They have at least something on just about anything out there concerning Magick. Auras, Astral Projection, Meditation, Fairy Lore, Dragons, and more! This is a must see.

Higher Realms This is another excellent site on many diverse topics. Auras, dreams, astral projection, and more (notice how I use "and more" a lot..hmm....).


Demonolatry.Com This is a good site for information on various demons, and "evil" spirits. I'd get used to Magick without demons before trying out some of this stuff.

Astral Projection

alt.out-of-body This is the newsgroup for people learning about OBE's and Astral Projection.  There is a lot of excellent information to be had here.  I solved a problem that had been plaguing me for a while, after I'd visited this newsgroup.

Ballabene's Astral Pages - There is some excellent information contained on this site. I would definitely recommend going there.

Astral Voyage - Another excellent site. (More indepth site description coming soon, BTW ;-p ).

