Blue - From
what I've seen, blue is probably the most common color seen in the aura.
It's usually the first seen when you're first trying. When I compare
the auras of people and things, people almost always have blue, while things
rarely have blue. I don't have enough information to come up with
a verdict on this, but it's something to be aware of. Blue is the
color of calm, like green. This is a more mental calm, however.
Red - This
color is seen when you're worked up, or have been doing some exercise.
It is the color of a lot of activity.
Orange - This
is like red, only to a lesser degree. This is more like a mix of
Yellow and Red.
Yellow - Intellectual
activity and thinking. You've been crunching numbers or composing
a song or writing a poem, perhaps?
White - White
is a spiritual color, and like Blue, it is one of the first colors seen.
This is a color of purity and good health.
Green - Calmness
in the physical realm. This is like Blue, to an extent. Green
is another color that is commonly seen around people and things.
Purple - Purple
is like white, only not as pure (from what I've read, I'll have to double
check it).
Black - Black doesn't always have to represent
negativity, although in this case, it usually does. If there is a
black patch in a particular area of the body, then there may be a sickness
in that area.
Silver "Sparklies"
- Upon reading a book by Ted Andrews, he reported
that he has seen these little "sparklies" in the aura where there is a
lot of creative power. Pregnant women usually have these (as he states,
what could be more creative than the forces of procreation and life itself?)