
    Everything has an aura. What is an aura? An aura is the physical manifestation of the object's electrical (some people say etheric, but like everything else in the occult arts, it's up for heavy debating) field. The aura is a mirror of what the person is feeling, and to some extent, what they are thinking. A person can see and read the aura in many different ways, using all the senses (I don't know that it would be appropriate to try and taste someone's aura, but theoretically it could be done). The most common method is Sight, and the next method is Touch. Below is an exercise that you can do to learn to see auras. It should be done every day, until you get the hang of it. I have heard of some people getting a headache when they try to do this, and I myself, have gotten a headache when I first started. This is quite normal. I think it's just the fact that you're using your eyes in a way that they aren't used to being used, and it's exercising the muscles. Nothing serious, but if it hurts, stop for the day and try again tomorrow. Now, enough of my long-winded excuses...onto the exercise!

Exercise:  Seeing The Aura


You'll need a blank surface (like a wall), either white or black (these two colors are used because it is rarer that a person has these colors in their aura, and because they are just easier to use!)

A dimly lit room.

1. With the room lit dimly, not dark just dim, hold your hand up in front of the surface you've chosen. Make sure that when you focus on your hand, the surface is larger than your hand.

2. Look at one side of your hand and stare at it. Your eyes will tend to unfocus slightly, let them unfocus.

3. After a little while, you'll start to see a haze around your hand. It may have seperate colors that you can see, or it will just be a glow. Congratulations! This is the aura.

4. Keep practicing this until you can distinguish between colors in the aura.

The aura has a few seperate layers. The most I've ever been able to sense are three. According to what I've read in various places, each is supposed to reflect a certain part of the individual, emotional, mental, spiritual, etc., but I've never noticed this to be the case. But, whatever works for you!

If you can't seem to see the auras, or if you just want to try something else, we can experiment with the sense of Touch. This time, you only need yourself, no specially lit rooms, or colored surfaces. Hold the arm of your Projecting Hand (if you're right-handed, then this is your Projecting Hand) in front of you. Hold your other hand (Receptive Hand), over your arm. Move your hand towards and away from your arm slowly. Sooner or later, you'll notice a slight pressure, or a tingling. This is your aura.

Once you can sense the aura on yourself, try it with objects, non living, living, and things with electricity running through them (try your computer monitor).